
We cooperate with gynecologists and laboratories in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Niš, Vranje, Loznica, Kragujevac, Paraćin, Novi Pazar...

Contact us if you would like to get in touch with one of our partners.
For women the sample which is used for testing for the presence of HPV is a cervical swab (no media) which, after it is sampled, should be left in the open air for about 5 minutes to dry. The sample can be sent by mail, and an adequately taken sample is suitable for analysis for a period of a few months. 
For men the test can be done from a urethral swab sample or sperm. 
Other pathogens 
For women the sample which is used for testing for the presence of mycoplasma, chlamydia, ureaplasma, and/or gardnerella is a cervical or vaginal swab (no media) which, after it is sampled, should be left in the open air for about 5 minutes to dry. The sample can be sent by mail, and an adequately taken sample is suitable for analysis for a period of a few months. 
For men the test can be done from a urethral swab sample, sperm or first morning urine.