Quickest in Serbia (and beyond)
Results of paternity testing can be ready the next working day!

Most accurate
We are the only laboratory in the region that analyses 22 loci by default, others usually analyse 15 loci. This significantly increases the accuracy of results.

Quality assurance
Be absolutely certain of the result of your test. Testing in our lab is done by permanent court expert witnesses, and the results include full DNA profiles and corresponding statistical calculations.
How does a paternity test work? 
A child inherits one-half of its genetic material from the mother and the other half from the father. DNA paternity tests are based on determining the DNA profiles of the child and the potential father and/or mother, and their comparison. A necessary condition for confirmation of paternity is that the child has one half of the DNA material of the father, which is determined from their DNA profiles. 
Are there other tests to establish paternity? 
Other reliable tests do not exist. DNA analysis is the only reliable test to determine paternity. Tests done in our lab are based on standard DNA analysis which is applied everywhere in the world. 
What is the accuracy of the DNA paternity test? 
The test involves analysis of different regions of the DNA molecule. If the DNA profiles of the tested father and child have no common characteristics in three or more regions, then with 100% confidence we can say that the person tested is not the biological father of the child. 
If in every region there is at least one common characteristic then the basic requirement to confirm paternity is fulfilled. After that we perform a biostatistical calculation that gives the probability that the person tested is indeed the biological father, i.e. the likelihood that there was no "accidental" matche of the DNA profiles. 
Accuracy of results depends on the number of analysed loci. We are the only laboratory in the region that analyses 22 loci by default, others usually analyse 15 loci. This significantly increases the accuracy of results. 
The accuracy varies from case to case but is usually in the region between 99.999% to 99.99999%. If the DNA profile of the child is compared with the DNA profiles of both parents the accuracy is further increased. 
What is in the test report? 
The report contains the DNA profiles of persons tested, accurate descriptions of the equipment and reagents used, and a biostatistical calculation of the probability of paternity. 
This means that the result is transparent and verifiable in other laboratories anywhere in the world, if they also provide this information in their test results. 
Is the test result valid in court? 
Paternity testing by DNA analysis is the only method that has been recognised by courts. Our specialists are enrolled in the Register of court experts in Serbia. 
If you require a such a report then all persons to be tested should come to our lab in person, with identification documents. 
Can paternity be determined before birth? 
Prenatal paternity testing is possible. The sample of the unborn child to be analysed is taken by a gynecologist (chorion or amniotic fluid). From that same sample we can also test of genetic disorders of the child.