
We cooperate with gynecologists and laboratories in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Niš, Vranje, Loznica, Kragujevac, Paraćin, Novi Pazar...

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What is ureaplasma? 
Ureaplasma urealyticum (ureaplasma) is a bacterium that belongs to the family of mycoplasmas. These are small bacteria without cell walls that cannot survive outside the host cell. 
How is it spread? 
Ureaplasma urealyticum is spread through sexual contact with an infected person. 
Ureaplasma is part of the normal flora of the genital tract of men and women - it can be found in approximately 70% of sexually active people. 
The presence of ureaplasma usually does not cause symptoms, but these bacteria may cause infections in people with weakened immune systems. 
Complications and diseases 
Problems occur when there is an intense multiplication of bacteria. 
If such an infection is not detected and treated, it can eventually cause problems with infertility, recurrent spontaneous abortions in women, as well as a decrease in sperm mobility and sperm count in men. 
If an infection is present in pregnant women, the bacteria can be found in the placenta and amniotic fluid, and its presence can cause miscarriages, stillbirths, preterm delivery and birth of babies with lower birth weight. It can also lead to respiratory problems in the newborn. 
Diagnosis can be done by isolating these bacteria from cervical smears and identification after cultivation on solid and liquid nutrient media. 
In our laboratory we diagnose the presence of ureaplasma using the PCR method, which directly detects the DNA of the bacteria. This method is highly sensitive (detects the smallest concentration of bacteria), and the results are obtained much faster than vai cultivation. 
DNA testing 
In our laboratory pathogens are detected only by PCR. 
The result of the test is obtained within one business day. 
Samples for analysis 
In women the test is performed using a normal cervical or vaginal swab (no media) which should be left in the air for about 5 minutes to dry. The sample can be sent by mail, and the sample is suitable for the test even after a few months. 
In men, the test can be done from a sample of urethral swabs, sperm or first morning urine. 
These prices do not include taking swabs (cervical, vaginal, urethral) - these are taken only by doctors/gynecologists at extra cost.  
Ureaplasma 7.500Ureaplasma + additional pathogens (chlamydia, mycoplasma and/or gardnerela) 
Surcharge for each additional pathogen 500Surcharge for analysis of urine samples (men only) 1.000 
HPV + Ureaplasma 11.000 
Prices for all tests in the field of human health and payment instructions can be found here