Cooperation with courts
In Serbia we work with over 40 courts, as well as with court in neighboring countries.

Service quality
Our prices are based on tariffs established by state-owned DNA laboratories. We are particularly proud of the speed and quality of our results.

Contact us
For more information you may call us on +381 (0)11 218 2111.
The basics 
DNA analysis is based on the comparison of DNA undisputable and disputable profiles, and the result may be twofold: 
  • An undisputable DNA profile does not match or is not contained a disputable DNA profile. In this case that person is not a donor of the biological material, or
  • The undisputable DNA profile matches or is contained in the disputed DNA profile. In this case, the person cannot be excluded as a donor of the biological material in question. The strength of the connection between the disputed and undisputed DNA profiles is obtained using biostatistical methods.
Biostatistics is based on the comparison of two mutually exclusive hypotheses that cover the whole range of possibilities: 
  • Ht - Prosecutor's hypothesis (biological material in the biological trace is from the suspect);
  • Ho - Defense hypothesis (donors of biological material are not related to the suspect).
The result of these comparisons is the Likelihood Ratio (LR), which is the main result of the DNA analysis. 
Likelihood ratio 
LR is the number of times it is more likely to get the results of forensic DNA analysis under Ht than under Ho
The value of LR 
Courts do not usually come across the concept of LR. For example, it is impossible to quantify the LR of witness statements (they can be more or less reliable or persuasive). 
However, there is at least a need to make a verbal scale to describe how the LR value obtained by DNA expert evidence supports the claim of the prosecutor or defense attorney. 
Verbalisation of LR values ​​is a matter of convention. DNA center uses the scale used by the Forensic Science Service, which is published in the book "Forensic DNA evidence interpretation" by J. Buckleton, C.M. Triggs and S.J. Walsh. 
LRIn support of HtVerbalisation used by our lab (in Serbian)
1.000.000 +extremely strongSa izuzetno velikom sigurnošću se može tvrditi da je osoba donor biološkog materijala
100.000 - 1.000.000very strongSa velikom sigurnošću se može tvrditi da je osoba donor biološkog materijala
10.000 - 100.000strongSa sigurnošću se može tvrditi da je osoba donor biološkog materijala
1.000 - 10.000moderately strongOsoba se ne može isključiti kao donor biološkog materijala
100 - 1.000moderateOsoba se ne može isključiti kao donor biološkog materijala
10 - 100weakOsoba se ne može isključiti kao donor biološkog materijala
1 - 10inconclusiveOsoba se ne može isključiti kao donor biološkog materijala